Category Archives: News

New Officers and Directors elected

At the AFBHS Board of Directors meetings in October and January, Chris Starr ’80 and Mark Haley ’66 were elected Directors.  Charles Stone was elected Vice President and Susan Orowan Martin was made VP Development.  Peter Leofanti remains President; Sarah Freiberg, Secretary; and Erich Ippen, Treasurer.

Don Chiofaro, BHS ’63, highlighted in “Alumni Giving Back” newspaper series

The latest addition to AFBHS’s “Alumni Giving Back” series appeared in this date’s issue of the Belmont Citizen Herald.  In the article, Don Chiafaro, BHS Class of 1963 and founder of the Boston-based real estate development and management company The Chiofaro Company, discusses how Belmont High School contributed to his success and why he is now giving back through AFBHS.

Giving Back – Don Chiofaro 63

Brian Caputo, longtime advisor to AFBHS, passes away

Colonel (Ret. U.S. Army) Brian R. Caputo, resident of Belmont passed away on this day at the age of 78.  He is remembered for his exuberant spirit, hockey playing and support of his alma mater Northeastern University.  Members of the Board have made contributions to AFBHS in his name. His obituary and notes of condolence may be found at:

AFBHS Permanent Endowment exceeds $100,000.

A banner year for donations, to a great extent thanks to the 50th reunion class of 1963, helped the AFBHS permanent endowment pass the $100,000 mark.  In addition to the General Permanent Endowment Fund, this total includes amounts in the Permanent Endowments of the Classes of 1957, 1959, 1961 and 1963 as well as the T. Meldon Wenner Endowment.

AFBHS again awards $10,000 in scholarships

The Alumni and Friends of Belmont High School gave total of $10,000 in scholarships to four graduating seniors at the high school’s Senior Awards Day ceremony on May 30, bringing to $70,000 the amount of scholarship aid the group has given in the seven years since its inception. Again this year these scholarships were the largest individual scholarship awards presented at the Senior Awards Day. The 2014 awardees, pictured in the photo below, are: Ibraham Abutuleb who will go to the University of Massachusetts, Boston, Virginia Hardy who will attend Wheelock College, Andreana Jones, headed to Spelman College, and Tony Gao, going to Northeastern University.

The names and college choices of previous AFBHS scholarship recipients can be viewed on the attachment below.

AFBHS Scholarship Winners

Belmont Citizen 6-5-14